Sunday, December 03, 2006

hello. gooodbye.

school is really getting me down. i feel like i've been doing school work for ages and haven't had any fun. or really talked to anyone. i feel like it's really hard this semester and i can't really figure out why. i bet it's because i'm taking all these classes that i don't even care about. but it will be over in two weeks. two weeks! and then i'm commmmin dowwwwnn!

kate m came to visit for 5 days and it was so nice to have someone here to to work with. so much work. and matt k was here too. we made a cake for kate m's birthday. well, it wasn't really a cake but a mash of stuff hidden under some whipped cream.

graeme and mike came home from chicago and london/milano, and with them came good presents.

from chicago

(notice mike's new diamond encrusted cross from italy.)

from milan

i fuckin love thing. it's an old caramel tin. i bet she never farts.

i also found these pictures on my camera and they made me laugh.

so what do you guys want to do when i get home? i have 5 days. do you want to make some dinner and then eat it with my nanny? she's awesome.

alright. time to write a paper in one night. again. hope you are good!


Saraiu01 said...

That picture of you and mike is a vision of true love.

katherine said...


someday i hope to get the guts to wear it outside. i bet you would look marvelous in it.

chimera said...

awsome. kathy i'm happy you posted alot. yes dinner with your gran and let us cook for us, too. i've been eating vege this semester. i'm sick of school work, too. i haven't been smoking because it depresses me that i'm turning 24 and because i haven't been smoking instead of being anxious i've been depressed and papers papers papers. so i should just think about the holidays and meine freundin. i'll send you me tele.



Big Nikki said...

I am 24, and let me tell you, it IS depressing! Just joking, it's not really depressing being 24 I think it's more what Kathy is saying, about the school work. BOO to school work!

I can't even begin to describe my feelings about those sweaters.

I will not be off school til the 19th and I have precious little time as well! But when I am not working I plan on cramming in as much fun as possible so I am up for it all!

Anonymous said...

I really want one of those sweaters (but one that fits..... which I'm sure they do not make).

katherine said...

gerry if i ever find one it's ours. but maybe montreal is too lame to have any.

Krista Comeau said...

you make me happy kathy! i want to make dinner with your nanny!

Anonymous said...

are they sweaters, or more like big tshirts? i bet kathy has the craftsmanship to sew that into a shirt that fits. i'd like to see that snowman one up close

that picture is making me laugh pretty hard at the one of those retards

Anonymous said...

Kathy, how come you and mike are wearing garbage bags filled with money and black ducks?

Love Kate?

Anonymous said...

LOLZ X 1,000,000.2

katherine said...

hey kate & kate -

come on. it aint no garbage bag. its a beauty. i really want to make it into a dress or something but i kinda think it's just perfect as it is.

mike wears his a lot but always takes it off when he has to poop. i guess he thought that is was every girl does when she is wearing a dress.

i am so excited to see you guys - krista i get home at 10:30. i'll come find you. dartmouth isn't that big.

love k

.francesca said...

update your blog already.