Sunday, December 03, 2006

hello. gooodbye.

school is really getting me down. i feel like i've been doing school work for ages and haven't had any fun. or really talked to anyone. i feel like it's really hard this semester and i can't really figure out why. i bet it's because i'm taking all these classes that i don't even care about. but it will be over in two weeks. two weeks! and then i'm commmmin dowwwwnn!

kate m came to visit for 5 days and it was so nice to have someone here to to work with. so much work. and matt k was here too. we made a cake for kate m's birthday. well, it wasn't really a cake but a mash of stuff hidden under some whipped cream.

graeme and mike came home from chicago and london/milano, and with them came good presents.

from chicago

(notice mike's new diamond encrusted cross from italy.)

from milan

i fuckin love thing. it's an old caramel tin. i bet she never farts.

i also found these pictures on my camera and they made me laugh.

so what do you guys want to do when i get home? i have 5 days. do you want to make some dinner and then eat it with my nanny? she's awesome.

alright. time to write a paper in one night. again. hope you are good!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The semester isn't even half done but...

i bought my plane tickets today. i'm coming home on the 20th and (unfortunately) leaving the 26th. my parents are spending christmas in ottawa, and since i wanted to spend christmas with my grandmother i'm coming home for 6 days and then going to ottawa to see my parents (and kira). i guess it kinda sucks crap but its better than not coming at all. after being in ottawa i'm then going to toronto for anyone that's going to be there for new years.

the tv on the radio show was great. and so was the joanna newsom show. actually i had the best time there. it was great to see her. and david byrne was there which was also really exciting. he dresses well.

me and mike went to mont saint anne for our anniversary this past weekend. i tried to take pictures of the waterfalls near by but i didn't have batteries and it was $9.50 to see them anyway.

yuppers. that's it. nothing else is new. i'm still super busy. i have all my reference letter forms ready but i'm definitely not ready for the GREs and the rest of anything.

fuck, this is boring. i wish i could tell you i was canning period blood to sell on the streets or something. alright. here is a picture taken by lovely krista, who i miss miss miss.

Click Clack

Mike and Graeme's dance night. Tomorrow at Club Lambi!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


I know it's kinda early but I have to book plane tickets and everything...

When are you all going to be home for Christmas? Sarah are you still coming home on the 20th? Jillian when are you coming home?

My parents are going to Ottawa on the 22nd, and I have an exam on the 19th. I was thinking of coming to Halifax before Christmas. When are people going to be home?

Does anyone even know yet?

Monday, October 02, 2006

i am boring lately. i do work all day, from as soon as i get up until i go to bed. and when i can't sleep i read some more. this fall is going to be really hard, and i'm sorry if i disappear. wait. it's probably already happened. see you in november.

i hate to ask the question but does anyone even still read this?

Monday, September 11, 2006


it's been busy since i've been home. it was busy when i was home. i wish it hadn't been so busy. there were so many people i wanted to see more of. i never got to be really lazy with anyone, which is what i really wanted. oh well. it was great to be home.

i'm spending a lot of my time getting applications ready, thinking of studying for the gres but not studying for them. classes started and they aren't as great as i had hoped. a lot of crappy professors. well, one in particular. oh well. i'll just skip a lot of classes and do work on my own which will be fine.

i got a job! well, a second one. i'm working with a psychologist who is in the education department. i'm working with a ph.d. student and i get to interview kids with her. i'm excited. i'm going to volunteer for a month and then they are going to start paying me. everyone in the lab is really nice and hopefully i'll make some new friends. and they don't even care if i don't speak french. i'm really excited about this. i thought that volunteering was all i was going to get. the professor that i'm working for said she will help me with my applications, mostly telling me which professors would be good to work with, which will be a big help. she is great. she tells me how great i am all the time.

mike brought up the idea of moving to hali next summer. i'm sure it won't work, especially if i want to keep a job, well, this job, but it made me really excited and it makes me not miss halifax as much when i tell myself there is a possibility that i could be back there soon, even only for awhile. and mike seems excited about it too. i guess we'll just have to see what happens.

mike has a car now. but it's a standard and i don't know how to drive it yet. maybe he will drive me to h&m this week. we're going to go to ottawa and quebec city and whereever the fuck we want!

ok. this is boring. i wanted to post pictures but the internet won't let me.

miss you.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

i am done school for 2 weeks.

(chris natrop.)

joanna newsom is playing for pop montreal. and spank rock. i'm excited.

i'm also excited i'll be home in 20 hours (hopefully).

i wanna go on some roadtrips sometime this week - show mike some nova scotia. i want to go to martinique beach, blomindon, and the south shore to peggy's cove. does anyone else want to come?

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

i'll be home on sunday! i'm not sure when. my parents and my nanny are picking me up on their way home from the cottage. i'm going to help them drive nanny's car.

byebyeybyeybe. see you soon!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

my bike was stolen.

i guess it had been sitting out back, locked up, for almost a year now.

still. i had bought stuff to fix it up...2 months ago.

weekend, part 2.

alright alright.

on saturday, after mike and i hung out with kate in toronto, i went to my cottage.

the cottage hasn't been redecorated since it was built in the fifties, i think. see the plaid carpet? i kinda of like it.

this is our tiny beach. this year it is covered in weeds. i think grampy used to get rid to them.

BABY! she can talk now. well, kind of. i taught her how to say boat. maybe she knew it before, but i like to think she learned it from me.

our landaroonee.

i went for a long walk and snooped around the lot across the road. i guess it used to be an small quarry. i don't know where those chairs came from.

growing up this used to be my favorite place to drive. this is the road to the farm where we buy corn. i had a good good smoke here. under an osprey nest.

this is probably my favorite part of our tacky cottage.



This weekend I took at train to Missisauga for a training session for my new categorization job. Basically the same thing that Mike has been doing. It's boring but it is very flexible and is good moola. I've tried to get a research assistant position, but it never seems to work out. My school schedule or the French language always gets in the way. With this job I'll be able to justify volunteering in a lab...

Mike picked me in Missisauga, and the next day Joseph, Graeme, and Tom drove out from Toronto and drove us to Scott's Fall's. It is one of the prettiest places I've ever seen. One of those perfect days.

First falls.

Second falls. Mike on his cellphone in the middle of nowhere.

Oh shit. Stupid blogger won't let me upload anymore pictures...

More soon, I guess.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

we rockin stilettos, ho! we rockin stilettos, ho!

my 100th post!

darcy and paul came to visit this weekend. paul with his hurt arm. i was so happy they came to stay. we got to play midnight croquet and go to my friend beth's samosa party. they ordered 100 samosa and not only 30 was eaten, even though they were delious. i regret not having more than one, but i was too full from the all you can eat chinese food buffet at 3 in the afternoon. it was $7.50, so it was good and bad as you can expect. we also got to go to the old port, and see the st. lawrence which i actually hadn't seen yet.

paul made graeme and mike laugh all weekend. i'm happy they got along. paul even had a heart to heart with my friend shaun.

before paul and darcy came i was working nonstop (and really nonstop, i haven't worked that hard in a long time, probably since the last time i pulled an allnighter) on my drawing project. i made three pictures of embroidered images. wanna see, just cause i've worked so hard? its a semidocuemtation of the making of an apron, with an embroidered semiporn american apparel ad. thanks krista for the pinup images.

well, i don't know if this will work. or if you will be able to see it.

when i told my teacher that i wanted to embroider, which she was really excited about, she sent me the name of an artist she saw in new york, ghada amer. she embroiders porn images, and leaves the ends of the threads loose. i think it's interesting so i'm going to show you that too.

i think they're great.

i've been travelling a lot lately, or at least it feels like it. last weekend i headed to ottawa for my grandfather's interment service, and saw a lot of family i haven't seen since i was a little. it was nice to get to know them. i also got to see kira, who loves to babble and scream cause she can. its neat to hear her say up after you ask her if she wants up. she also knows how to say dadada, and mamama when she is really upset.

and i'll get to see them again this weekend! i'm going to caledon for two days and then i'm taking the bus to kingston to my cottage - and i'm excited. i'm excited to see kira run around, swimming and everything, and it will be a good distraction for my grampy not being around. i'm going to go again next weekend, when mike deane will be at his uncle's cottage which is on the same bay. my cottage neighbours matt and mitch will also be down which will be F-U-N.

i've also been spending a lot of time getting applications ready for school psychology programs. there seems to be an overwhelming amount of work to do for them. unfortunately, the programs that i think i'm going to get into are in alberta and british columbia. there is a program here but i want to go somewhere mike will be able to work, and in montreal that is impossible. and it's the only program where i would have to do the GREs, which are a bummer. a couple of years in a town won't be so bad, right? could be fun, right? i hope so.

aiight. this is boring.

i've been thinking a lot about dartmouth and how everyone is not going to live in the same place together again. i guess it took me this long to realize that, that my bestfriends will be scattered and our friendship will be based on phone calls, emails, and (in)frequent visits. i think about this everytime someone comes and then leaves again. it always makes me sad.

okokok. you should download crime mob, the song stilettos (pumps). its my coffee in the morning.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

i love these girls.
they made me a delicous cake.

i miss them.

for nicole, paul and matthew.

this week there has been the fringe festival. they've shut down st.laurent for a sidewalk sale all week and tonight there was a show in the rachel/st.laurent park around the corner. islands played and it was really nice. inbetween sets we went to another park and drank beer out of paper bags. it was bright and sunny and the bands played on a platform with a beautiful stone archway behind them. after the show we drank beer in the mount royal park while we played croquet. i'm still drunk. i think. yea.


Tuesday, June 13, 2006

home sweet home.

being home was so nice. i miss it already. it was fun seeing everyone. sar and kris, thanks for being so great. you are good friends, and i miss you. the trip was too short and i wish i had more time to hang out.

coming home to montreal was hard. it's lonely right now. mike has gone home to caledon to be with his mom and he doesn't think he will be living in montreal at all this summer. he is going through such a hard time right now and i don't know how to help him.

these are the only photos that i took. most of them are of mike. he is wearing my black jeans from high school when i had short hair and wanted to be a riot girl. i wish i took more pictures, especially of krista. cause she is pretty.

Friday, June 09, 2006


heyheyehey. i'm home. you know where to reach me & if you don't it's in the book under Dr. W.A.

party tomorrow. i hope you're there.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Dartmouthians and Haligonians!

(Courtesy of Mr. A. Sowerby, again. Thanks Andrew. I really love your photos.)

Booked by plane ticket from Halifax to Montreal this morning! Wooooot! Made me so excited. Talking to Krista and Sarah made me so excited too! Sarah and Ted are coming next week. I can't wait to meet this fellow.

Man. So muthafuckin excited. Thinking about it put me in such in a good mood. Even though if I go outside I will be melt. I'm wearing my summer uniform, a sundress that I bought at H&M. Me and Graeme blended creamy iced coffee drinks to cool ourselves down. And it's GRAEME'S B-DAY TODAY! Me and Mike are going to make a birthday carrot cake for him tonight. And we're going to buy him a croquet set that he has been eyeing lately. yea! then we can play it in the park.

And maybe I'll get to see Darcy on the way down toooooooooooo?

So are you ready to party? See you in a couple of weeks!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

i'll make peeing your pants worth your while.

the country is where it's at!

(this is a picture taken near my cottage a long time ago.)

i went to caledon again this weekend. i did my drawing homework on the deck and got a tan. we picked wild flowers for mike's mom because she wasn't feeling well. his brother phil (who is awesome) came home and we went swimming in a creek. me and mike also went to the caves, the lookout, and the swimming holes. and had bonfires! it was great. it really felt like summer. now i can't wait to go to my cottage, now that it's so much closer.

me, mike, kate and susan also got to see chris in toronto! there was over a 1000 people there singing along to songs about nova scotia. people were going crazy for it. i couldn't believe it. i wish i didn't forget my camera at home - i wish i could have gotten a picture of chris playing a tamborine in front of all those people. it was so nice to see chris so happy.

after asking so many people where i could find chris (and all of them thinking i was just a groupie - only the nice drummer was kind enough to go find him for me) we got to hang out with him and all his coooool friends upstairs. after that we went to a park near kate's house and hung out until late. i was happy kate and mike finally got to see what chris is really like. loud and HILAROUS. he tried to convince kate to pee her pants for the money that was in his pocket.

what a good weekend.

tonight we're going to go drink in the park, partly because mike is kinda sad about his mom being so sick. i just want to distract him and help him not think about it.

i'm so excited to come home, let me tell YOU. so excited. my dad is too. he told me on the phone today.

i got an avlav song stuck in my head today. i kept telling mike over and over that he was a skater boy and that i was going to tell him see you later boy.

aiight. enough rambling. time to head to the park. fun times. summer in the city.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


How was Dartmouth day? Please tell me all about it.

I hope everyone had happy bdays.

I'm so excited to come home.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

"climb behind vagina, then i hymen-grind her"

Pietari Posti

Notings new.

I'm finding it hard getting used to having summer while not being in Halifax. So much to do but not the motivation to do it... I started drawing class. It's pretty good, although I don't have the motivation to do my homework. It's been raining for almost a week now. I blame it on that.

Next weekend I'm going to Toronto again with Mike. Mike's brother Phil is coming to visit for a day so we'll get a drive back with him - all the stories of Phil kind of remind me of Alex, which seems comforting. Apparently he has a really big beard and has been living in his car the last two weeks while he driving across Canada.

We're going to see Chris play on the big stage in Toronto which will be really great. It will be nice to see Chris as a mothafuckin rock star.

Oh, I'm probably coming home for my bday, June 10th! Anyone going to be around? Wanna hang out?

Mikey Deaner is going to be coming with me and there are a lot of people I want him to meet. You know who you are.


Thursday, May 11, 2006

Caledon meets Elora

Hey hey. Seeing Adriann was great. Elora is a pretty town. Makes me think I would really like living in the country. Caledon does too. Me and Mike explored abandoned houses and washed our feet in the creek.

Kate and Kate come tomorrow! I saw Kate R last weekend but didn't get to see Kate M.

Wanna see something kinda cool? Go to
Papierdoll and scroll down and you'll see my body. Click on it. You will see more pictures of me.