Monday, October 10, 2005

She-Wolf, 500 BCE (twins, 15th c.)

I have a midterm on Thursday. I feel like I'm in first year all over again. Wait. I am. Fuck.


Unknown said...

Are those two the founders of Rome?

chimera said...

kathy we didn't have our sunday. i ran out of phone card. card lied to me. said i had two hours and i called sar last week finally and talked maybe half hour then it was all gone. i'll get a new one soon. then i'll get you.



Anonymous said...

dear kathy,
i just jerked off to that photo.
(p.s. i miss you)

katherine said...

Yuppers, Romulus and Rene. Word.

Jillian: I will call you soon. I have a lot of night classes so it might have to wait until next Sunday. I miss you.

Kate: I knew you would love the wolftitties. I miss you and your wolf-tittie-lovin' a lot. Can you come visit soon? I wanna talk to you, so I'll give you a call - this interweb just isn't cutting it.