I can't remember if this is simply been since I've moved to Montreal, or if I did this during my other undergrad as well. Either way I can't seem to stop. Tonight was no exeption.
I don't know why this always happens. First, I thought maybe it was because I didn't like my courses and just didn't really care. But I guess if I didn't care I would just write shitty essays and not stress about them. Sometimes I think it is because I do well on these papers, even if they are written the night before, and as a result I just want to see how little time I can use to write "good" papers. I wonder if it is because the only time I've done art history was for my electives during my last undergrad, and therefore have learned to just slack off. Another part of me thinks its because this degree is just a stepping stone to do something else. Even though I really enjoy it, it is not as fulfilling as my last degree...maybe.
Who fucking knows. And I'm sure you are all good students and don't even know what I'mma talkin bout, but for me it's relaly become a problem. I get stressed and unhappy, and let papers drag on for longer than they need to.
Does this happen to anyone else? Does anyone else procrastinate until they get so stressed and not now way? How can I stop? It's not like I'm relaly busy...
kathy! that is what happens to me every time i get an essay. i feel like the words or ideas never come to me unless i'm pressed for time. it sucks. although i'm so slow at writing that if i leave it to the last week it's equal to leaving to the last night for some people.
i'm going to write an outline for my essay tonight and hopefully if i set a deadline for myself to get half my paper done by such and such a date i'll do it. we'll see if it works. if you want you can set a date where you'll send at least half your essay to me by a certain time and then maybe if i hound you you'll have a good chunk of it done.
awww Krista. you are a good friend. that sounds like a good idea. do you want to have an internet date with me so we can exchange halves of papers?
i get so stressed, but i don't need to be. i just need to get it done.
some of me thinks that if I write it the night before if i get a bad mark i can just blame it on that instead of having a bad paper...
ps - i think you are the only person that i feel comfortable enough with to actually send my paper.
i used to do that too. especially in high school. actually, i took it a step further and usually handed essays and assignments in a few days late. now, i get them done on time, ive miraculously become organized...buuuuuut my essays are shit. so i lose in the end.
good luck,
kathy that sounds like a plan! let's do it!
hey before i forget if you get a minute can you send me that recipe for that soup that graeme made?
xoxo kris
he actually liked my photo?
Hey Emhun.
I wish I could get organized. Maybe someday, with this plan to do some paper swapin.
Hey, I don't know if you know Montreal that well, but if there is anywhere you wanna know about I can try and tell you. When are you coming to this fine time? It would be nice to see you if you have time, even if its for coffee or something.
Krista - yea, swapping would be goood. Graeme's recipe is on the fridge I think. Tomorrow morning I'll send it to you.
He, he totally like your photo. He said it was really well done.
hey kathy
i just wanted to let you know that HELL YES DO I EVER PROCRASTINATE.
i know it is a psychological thing, i know if i procrastinate then i will have an excuse for getting a bad mark. but this is silly because it is my fault for procrastinating. i have always gotten decent grades which is why i never bothered to push myself to get things done in time. in fact, towards the end of my degree i handed things in increasinlgy later and later, but i always had an excuse and understanding professors. so i never lost late points!!
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