I AM DONE!!! I finished schooooool last Wednesday with my Art History exam that I had studied and studied and studied for. After the exam I got my exam about a painting by De Witte at the Musee des Beaux-Arts in Montreal. I got an A-, which is great considering I wrote it the night before, well, the whole night before. That seems to be the way I did most of my work this semester. New Years resolution: don't skip class and don't leave everything to the last possible minute. (What are YOUR resolutions?)
Since I've finished school I've locked myself up in my house with Adriann and Mike, and while Mike studies Greek Mythology, me and Adriann have been knitting up a S-T-O-R-M. I'm knitting mittens for Mike for Christmas and I'm so proud of how they are turning out. Yea, I'm really excited. I'm a nerd.
It's been so niiice! Me and Adriann have watched hours and hours of tv while in our pjs. We've watched the whole first session of Twin Peaks, which is absolutely amazing, and the last few episodes of Six Feet Under. It's been so nice sitting inside, knitting and watching tv while it snows outside. I plan on spending the rest of my week before I get home just like this. I needed time in Montreal without anything to do before I go home. I wanted to spend time with Adriann before I leave. She is awesome and is moving out in January. When I get back in January she is only going to be here for a few days... Mike's friend Graham is going to move in, who is also awesome, but I'm going to miss her. She understand's what it is like to be anxious about ridiculous things, how it feels to have no one hear you all the time and tell you that you mumble, and what it feels like to feel uncomfortable if you don't wear black. She makes me laugh and I wish everyone at home could meet her.
When me and Adriann get sick of tv we listen to Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong. It's made me feel like I am still at home sitting in Krista's room, except Krista isn't here to make me tea and lend me comfy pants.
I'm so excited to come home. I'll be home on Thursday. At 12:30 to be exact. Jillian! When do you come home on Thursday?! Maybe we'll be at the airport at the same time - although that sounds impossible. I tried to call you yesterday, but didn't catch you. I'll try again today. It's been too long and I want to talk to you before we both go home. Sarah - I called you too! I want to know how you're doing. And I wanna know your secrets. Tell your secrets!! I also just wanted to hear you and Nicole sing a lil song. Hardy har har. Nicole! Money to come. I'll have it ready on Thursday! Oh - And just a warning. I don't have any money to buy pressies for peeps so expect something made. Hopefully it will work out. CHRISTMAS!
So?! Party? Friday? Thursday?
There is so much I want to do when I get home! I want to sit in Krista's room and drink tea, I want to read with Jillian while drinking coffee. I want to get dressed up and sing Christmas songs and make ginger bread houses and play with Kira and drink rum and egg nog and dance and hang out with everyone that I've missed. I want to take my car and pick up my friends on Christmas when everyone needs a break. I want to knit and have a stitch and bitch night with wine and champagne. And roadtrips! And everything else Sarah mentioned!
What do YOU guys want to do?
Yea! Yea! I'm excited. And happy. There few months have gone by so quickly. It has been great to be in a new city. Especially when I see people that in Halifax would make me crazy, but here, it doesn't seem to matter at all. I've met wonderful people here that are fun and nice and who know how to take care of people when you are away from home and missing everyone that you looooooove. I also just met a few girls that want me to teach them out to knit while drinking wine.
So. Thursday. Until then I'm going to knit and read and learn about Greek Mythology while drinking espresso's from Stuart's espresso's maker. In my pjs. Right now.
Peace out!